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Title: Common calls to a poisons information centre by general practitioners
Authors: Goggin, A.
Dean, D.
Rule, K.
Wylie, C.
Issue Date: 2023
Source: Australian journal of general practice, 2023 (52) 6 p.339-343
Pages: 339-343
Journal Title: Australian journal of general practice
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Poisoning in the community is common and can occasionally result in serious outcomes, such as organ damage and death. Many cases of poisoning can be successfully managed in the primary care setting. OBJECTIVE: This article describes common calls the Queensland Poisons Information Centre (Qld PIC) receives from general practices and provides information on the management of poisoning in the community. DISCUSSION: Common calls to the Qld PIC from general practice include calls about exposure to paracetamol and household cleaning products, with ocular exposure to toxins common. Most cases of poisoning can be managed supportively. Decontamination, observation or antidote therapy may be required in some cases. Ocular exposure to poisons requires irrigation, examination and, occasionally, referral for specialist ophthalmological assessment. The PIC can help general practitioners (GPs) with risk assessment and management advice to ensure the best outcomes for their patients. GPs can contact the PIC on 13 11 26.
DOI: 10.31128/AJGP-11-22-6625
Type: Article
Appears in Sites:Children's Health Queensland Publications

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