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dc.contributor.authorCook, Averilen
dc.contributor.authorGill, Deepaken
dc.contributor.authorCarrive, Pascalen
dc.contributor.authorScher, Stephenen
dc.contributor.authorKozlowska, Kasiaen
dc.contributor.authorChudleigh, Catherineen
dc.contributor.authorCruz, Catherineen
dc.contributor.authorLim, Melissaen
dc.contributor.authorMcClure, Georgiaen
dc.contributor.authorSavage, Blancheen
dc.contributor.authorShah, Ubaiden
dc.identifier.citation23, (1), 2018, p. 140-159en
dc.description.abstractPsychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) are a nonspecific, umbrella category that is used to collect together a range of atypical neurophysiological responses to emotional distress, physiological stressors and danger. Because PNES mimic epileptic seizures, children and adolescents with PNES usually present to neurologists or to epilepsy monitoring units. After a comprehensive neurological evaluation and a diagnosis of PNES, the patient is referred to mental health services for treatment. This study documents the diagnostic formulations – the clinical formulations about the probable neurophysiological mechanisms – that were constructed for 60 consecutive children and adolescents with PNES who were referred to our Mind-Body Rehabilitation Programme for treatment. As a heuristic framework, we used a contemporary reworking of Janet’s dissociation model: PNES occur in the context of a destabilized neural system and reflect a release of prewired motor programmes following a functional failure in cognitive-emotional executive control circuitry. Using this framework, we clustered the 60 patients into six different subgroups: (1) dissociative PNES (23/60; 38%), (2) dissociative PNES triggered by hyperventilation (32/60; 53%), (3) innate defence responses presenting as PNES (6/60; 10%), (4) PNES triggered by vocal cord adduction (1/60; 2%), (5) PNES triggered by activation of the valsalva manoeuvre (1/60; 1.5%) and (6) PNES triggered by reflex activation of the vagus (2/60; 3%). As described in the companion article, these diagnostic formulations were used, in turn, both to inform the explanations of PNES that we gave to families and to design clinical interventions for helping the children and adolescents gain control of their PNES.research; tables/charts. Journal Subset: Biomedical; Double Blind Peer Reviewed; Editorial Board Reviewed; Europe; Expert Peer Reviewed; Peer Reviewed; UK & Ireland. NLM UID: 9604507. <br />en
dc.relation.ispartofClinical Child Psychology & Psychiatryen
dc.titlePsychogenic non-epileptic seizures in children and adolescents: Part I – Diagnostic formulationsen
dc.typeJOUR|lson Department of Neurology, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, NSW, AustraliaLady Cilento Children’s Hospital, Queensland, Australia |Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Macarthur (ICAMHS) Macarthur, NSW, Australia |Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA, USA |Department of Anatomy, School of Medical Sciences, University of NSW, Australia |en
dc.subject.keywordsMind Body Techniques -- Educationen
dc.subject.keywordsVocal Cordsen
dc.subject.keywordsNervous System Diseasesen
dc.subject.keywordsSomatoform Disordersen
dc.subject.keywordsEarly Interventionen
dc.subject.keywordsOutcome Assessmenten
dc.subject.keywordsEpilepsy -- DiagnosisDisease Attributesen
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
item.openairetypeJOUR|lson Department of Neurology, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, NSW, AustraliaLady Cilento Children’s Hospital, Queensland, Australia |Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Macarthur (ICAMHS) Macarthur, NSW, Australia |Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA, USA |Department of Anatomy, School of Medical Sciences, University of NSW, Australia |-
Appears in Sites:Children's Health Queensland Publications
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