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Title: Efficacy and Safety of STW 5-II for Functional Dyspepsia Treatment: A Patient Data-Based Meta-Analysis
Authors: Andresen, Viola
Shah, Ayesha
Fink, Careen
Rabini, Sabine
Wargenau, Manfred
Holtmann, Gerald 
Issue Date: 2024
Source: Digestion, 2024
Journal Title: Digestion
Abstract: Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a chronic relapsing gastroduodenal disorder with limited treatment options. Herbal products, like the six-herb combination STW 5-II, can target multiple FD gastrointestinal symptoms. In this meta-analysis, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of STW 5-II for overall FD, and key symptoms, based on Rome IV criteria. We systematically screened the literature for randomized controlled clinical studies testing STW 5-II in FD. Meta-analysis was performed using data from individual patients with at least one key FD symptom (fullness, early satiety, or epigastric pain) of at least moderate severity at baseline. ANCOVA-based meta-analyses were performed on improvements in the total symptom sum score, and single symptoms, after 4 and 8 weeks. Safety data were analyzed by calculating odds ratios for all adverse events. Four randomized controlled trials, including 613 patients, were identified, and two were eligible for efficacy analysis. STW 5-II significantly improved the FD symptom sum score (mean difference of 1.74 after 4 weeks and 2.07 after 8 weeks) and key FD symptoms of fullness (0.28 and 0.29), early satiety (0.25 and 0.26), and epigastric/upper abdominal pain (0.26 and 0.3). Treatment-related or severe adverse events did not differ between STW 5-II and placebo. The results support that STW 5-II significantly improves FD symptoms after 4 and 8 weeks of treatment with no difference in relation to safety signals compared to placebo. Thus, STW 5-II can be considered an effective and safe treatment option for FD.
DOI: 10.1159/000535672
metadata.dc.rights.holder: Holtmann, G
Appears in Sites:Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Princess Alexandra Hospital

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