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Title: Cost-effectiveness of taurolidine-citrate in a cohort of patients with intestinal failure receiving home parenteral nutrition
Authors: Williams, Thomas J
Moy, Naomi 
Kaazan, Patricia
Callaghan, Gavin
Holtmann, Gerald 
Martin, Neal 
Issue Date: Feb-2024
Source: JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition, 2024
Journal Title: JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition
Abstract: Catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs) in patients receiving home parenteral nutrition (HPN) for chronic intestinal failure (CIF) are associated with significant morbidity and financial costs. Taurolidine is associated with a reduction in bloodstream infections, with limited information on the cost-effectiveness as the primary prevention. This study aimed to determine the cost-effectiveness of using taurolidine-citrate for the primary prevention of CRBSIs within a quaternary hospital. All patients with CIF receiving HPN were identified between January 2015 and November 2022. Data were retrospectively collected regarding patient demographics, HPN use, CRBSI diagnosis, and use of taurolidine-citrate. The direct costs associated with CRBSI-associated admissions and taurolidine-citrate use were obtained from the coding department using a bottom-up approach. An incremental cost-effective analysis was performed, with a time horizon of 4 years, to compare the costs associated with primary and secondary prevention against the outcome of cost per infection avoided. Forty-four patients received HPN within this period. The CRBSI rates were 3.25 infections per 1000 catheter days before the use of taurolidine-citrate and 0.35 infections per 1000 catheter days after taurolidine-citrate use. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio indicates primary prevention is the weakly dominant intervention, with the base case value of $27.04 per CRBSI avoided. This held with one-way sensitivity analysis. Taurolidine-citrate in the primary prevention of CRBSIs in patients with CIF receiving HPN is associated with reduced hospital costs and infection rates.
DOI: 10.1002/jpen.2589
Appears in Sites:Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Princess Alexandra Hospital

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