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Title: Improving antibiotics targeting using PCR point-of-care testing for group A streptococci in patients with uncomplicated acute sore throat
Authors: Gunnarsson, Ronny Kent 
Orda, Ulrich 
Elliott, Bradley
Heal, Clare 
Gorges, Hilary
Glasziou, Paul
Del Mar, Chris
Issue Date: 2021
Journal: Australian journal of general practice
Abstract: Evidence supports some beneficial effects of antibiotics prescribed to patients with a sore throat and proven presence of group A streptococci (GAS). A total of 283 patients were included from North and North-West Queensland, Australia, at their first presentation for uncomplicated acute sore throat. Patterns of antibiotic prescribing were explored before and after testing for GAS using a rapid point-of-care polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. The results of the study showed the Australian Therapeutic Guidelines were often not adhered to. The PCR test reduced the proportion of patients prescribed antibiotics from 46% to 40%. The decision to prescribe antibiotics was changed in 30% of patients (P <0.001): before testing only 40% of patients prescribed antibiotics had a positive GAS PCR while this increased to 97% after testing. An easy-to-use point-of-care test to detect GAS allows better targeting of antibiotic prescribing in patients with an uncomplicated acute sore throat.
DOI: 10.31128/AJGP-07-20-5518
metadata.dc.rights.holder: Ulrich Orda
Keywords: Viridans Streptococci;Anti-Bacterial Agents;Pharyngitis;Polymerase Chain Reaction;PRC;group A streptococci (GAS).;antibiotic treatment;sore throat;Queensland
Type: Article
Appears in Sites:North West HHS Publications

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