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Title: Inadvertent inoculation of Apophysomyces following tetanus immunisation- a case report
Authors: Darlington, Christopher 
Cunningham, Sophie
Asomah, Francis
Norton, Robert 
Issue Date: Oct-2023
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Journal: Oxford medical case reports
Abstract: Mucormycosis is a rare, life-threatening fungal infection. While typically affecting immunosuppressed individuals, cases in the immunocompetent have been reported, particularly secondary to trauma, and the subspecies Apophysomyces. These fungi are typically difficult to isolate. This case report describes cutaneous Mucormycosis caused by Apophysomyces complex at a vaccination site, given following a motor vehicle accident. This life-threatening infection occurred in an immunocompetent 17-year old girl, resulting in multiple hospital admissions and finally, radical surgical debridement of her left upper limb. This case highlights the aggressive nature of this infection and the importance of early clinical recognition as effective treatment requires aggressive debridement typically prior to microbiological confirmation.
DOI: 10.1093/omcr/omad106
metadata.dc.rights.holder: Christopher Darlington, Francis Asomah
Keywords: Mucormycosis;Apophysomyces;Tetanus;Immunisation;Invasive Fungal Infections;Upper Extremity
Type: Article
Appears in Sites:North West HHS Publications

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