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Title: 13 HEALTH webtest update
Other Titles: Preliminary analysis of : An operational pilot project to offer online chlamydia and gonorrhoea test request options to young people at risk of sexually transmissible infections when they are unlikely or unable to attend a health service.
Authors: Anita Groos 
Issue Date: 19-Apr-2020
Publisher: Queensland Health Prevention Division
Abstract: 13 HEALTH webtest was set up as a pilot and research project to offer additional chlamydia and gonorrhoea urine test request options designed to appeal to young people when they are unlikely or unable to attend a health service for sexually transmissible infections (STI) testing. The webtest project built on the success of the Townsville Sexual Health Services home mailing kit service. A pathology form option was added for more timely results and cost effectiveness, and all follow up provided through 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) which is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. The webtest request must be made online and more information is available at The webtest online testing project is implemented by the Queensland Department of Health Communicable Diseases Branch (CDB) and Health Contact Centre (HCC). A reference group provides advice to the project team and includes representatives from CDB, HCC, pathology providers, sexual health services, general practitioners, and youth service providers. This outcomes summary has been selected based on a preliminary analysis of noteworthy findings and was used to develop recommendations for service enhancements. Data collection is continuing.
Description: Project update
Keywords: Clinical research;Chlamydia;Gonorrhoea;Sexually transmissible infections;Young people;Online
Type: Other
Appears in Sites:Prevention Division Publications

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